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Why become a Carbon EDGE deliverer?


  • Be on the front foot in delivering a program that meets a growing need for independent, research-based information.

  • Get involved in a program that has been developed by industry, for industry.

  • Expand your technical knowledge and skills.

  • Stay abreast of new R&D, market and policy developments in this ever-evolving space, with updates to the program managed by MLA and provided to you.

  • Join an established MLA program and a network of experienced deliverers.

  • Be supported by MLA to promote your workshop through email, social media, website and newsletters.

  • Gain access to all Carbon EDGE training and promotional materials, including manuals, workbooks and supplementary resources.

  • Add a new revenue stream to your business and build industry connections.

What is involved in delivering EDGE?

The EDGEnetwork is managed by MLA and delivered by service providers from public and private organisations who bring their experience and expertise to the program. Deliverers organise and deliver workshops in their respective regions, providing insights that make our workshops relevant and useful at a local level.

The program is run commercially, with participants paying a fee that is recouped by the deliverer.

The EDGEnetwork and all resources are owned and managed by MLA and licensed to approved deliverers. There is no cost to be a deliverer but you must complete the approval process and adhere to the terms of the MLA agreement to retain the rights to deliver the program.

How do I become an approved deliverer?

To be approved as a Carbon EDGE deliverer and to be able to deliver workshops independently you must:

  • Attend a one-day face-to-face Train the Trainer session OR attend a Carbon EDGE workshop (full fee).

  • Co-deliver at least two commercial workshops alongside another deliverer.

  • Deliver each of the five modules of the program.

  • Be signed off as competent by an authorised deliverer or an MLA approver (competencies include extension and facilitation skills, as well as technical knowledge).

  • Complete contracting with MLA, including the standard Umbrella Consultancy Agreement (this requires professional indemnity insurance of $2 million and public and product liability insurance of $5 million).

The time to reach approval will depend on your prior knowledge and experience and the feedback received from MLA and participants during your delivery of the modules.

The Carbon EDGE deliverer EOI and approval process:

Expressions of interest

Expressions of Interest for Carbon EDGE deliverer training in early 2024 are now closed. Please email to be kept up to date with new opportunities.

Applicants should address the selection criteria by completing the EOI form: 

  • State(s) or region/s you’re interested in delivering in
  • Type of audience (beef, sheep or goat producers) you are confident delivering to
  • Knowledge, experience and/or qualifications related to the program
  • Experience and/or qualifications in extension and training
  • Related industry projects or programs you are involved in. 

Applications will be considered by an independent panel, including representatives from the MLA Producer Adoption and Sustainability teams. 

EOIs will be considered on: 

  • Selection criteria
  • Regionality
  • Balance of expertise within the deliverer cohort
  • Training and development capacity
  • Willingness to work with co-deliverers. 

Please note that the training structure for EDGE puts some restrictions on the number of deliverers that can be supported at any one time.