Producer Investment Call
MLA’s Producer Investment Call is a crucial step in MLA’s producer consultation process. This is where levy payers can have their say on priority areas for MLA to invest in.
The Producer Investment Call is designed to maximise producer input, give sufficient time for researchers to write effective research proposals and engage producers for input and accommodate MLA’s strategic partnerships and MDC funding where appropriate.
How does the Producer Investment Call work?
The Research Advisory Councils submit research, development and adoption (RD&A) priorities to MLA every two years. MLA provides feedback on these priorities before the Extended Red Meat Panel workshop is held. This workshop brings together the Regional Committee Chairs, the Research Advisory Council Chairs, the Red Meat Panel (RMP) and the relevant MLA Program Managers. At this workshop, a list of national RD&A priorities is finalised.
From here, the relevant MLA Program Managers develop a ‘Terms of Reference’ (TOR), incorporating the feedback they received at the workshop. The TOR outlines the scope and impact of a project required to meet the RD&A priorities. Each TOR is submitted to the RMP for feedback and endorsement. Once the TOR is approved by the RMP, a Producer Investment Call is announced.
A call for applications is announced encouraging the submission of preliminary applications for RD&A projects aligned with the Terms of Reference for funding consideration.
An Expert Panel and producer representatives assess the applications and select which projects to short list for potential funding, ensuring that the RD&A activities in each project will address the priorities set out in the producer consultation process.
Short listed applicants are required to complete a detailed application for funding in relation to their project. Detailed applications are assessed by the Expert Panel and recommended for funding by MLA. These are then subject to MLA’s standard project approval processes.
2024-26 Producer Investment Call
Meat & Livestock Australia (MLA) is seeking preliminary applications from organizations (or partnerships of organizations) to deliver strategic R&D to progress the development of novel tools that can deliver user-friendly, cost-effective and accurate pasture biomass assessments for red meat producers across Australia.
MLA applications must be lodged electronically as Word document to
Applications must be received by 17:00 AEST on Wednesday 19th February 2025.
Request for tender form and specifications
Detailed project proposal template
Project application guidelines
Strict adherence to the time deadline for applications will occur. Incomplete request for tender applications without the required documentation will not be assessed
For more information, please contact:
Dr Allan Peake
Program Manager – Sustainable Feedbase Resources
Meat & Livestock Australia (MLA) is seeking Full Applications from individuals, organisations or project teams with the capability to identify and evaluate non-invasive weaning management strategies which reduce weaning stress in lambs and optimise the weaning process. This proposal will encompass research, development and adoption (RD&A) activities in the Sheep Productivity sector that achieve outcomes in line with the priorities of the Red Meat Panel.
Deadline for submissions
Full proposals must be received by MLA before 5.00pm AEDT on Wednesday 12th February 2025. Late proposals will not be accepted.
Use the full proposal template available here, and submit proposals electronically to MLA at
Applicants should carefully review this page and the MLA Project Funding Application Guidelines before completing their preliminary or detailed project application.
Request for Tender – Wean-a-lamb
Further information
If you have questions about these terms of reference, contact:
Dr Daniel Forwood
Project Manager – Sheep and Goat Productivity
Currently, the Producer Investment Call is flexible, with MLA only calling for projects as funding becomes available and for specific high priority investment areas.
Meat & Livestock Australia (MLA) is seeking Full Applications from commercial ag-tech providers and ag-tech developers to identify, evaluate and demonstrate autonomous and/or robotic in-paddock innovations which covers one of the following:
1. Reduce on-farm labour during key activities in the production cycle which may include (but is not limited to) marking, drenching, drafting, veterinary product application etc.
2. Enhance sheep productivity data captured which may include (but is not limited to) liveweight, body condition score, pregnancy status, animal wellbeing etc.
Innovations should focus on off-animal ag-tech solutions which negate the need for additional labour units or animal handling (as required for securing devices to livestock).
Deadline for submissions
Full proposals must be received by MLA before 5.00pm AEDT on Wednesday 12th February 2025. Late proposals will not be accepted.
Use the full proposal template available here, and submit proposals electronically to MLA at
Applicants should carefully review this page and the MLA Project Funding Application Guidelines before completing their preliminary or detailed project application.
Request for Tender – FlockMate
Further information
If you have questions about these terms of reference, contact:
Dr Daniel Forwood
Project Manager – Sheep and Goat Productivity
Currently, the Producer Investment Call is flexible, with MLA only calling for projects as funding becomes available and for specific high priority investment areas.
2022–24 Producer Investment Call
MLA is seeking preliminary proposals for RD&A projects that will develop, demonstrate and communicate best practice on crop grazing for producers across the mixed farming zones of Western Australia. In scope are all agro-climatic regions in the mixed farming zone (i.e. from low to high rainfall zones).
Deadline for submissions
Preliminary proposals must be received by MLA before 5.00pm AEDT on Wednesday 19th February 2025. Late proposals will not be accepted.
Use the preliminary proposal template available here, and submit proposals electronically to MLA at
Applicants should carefully review this page and the MLA Project Funding Application Guidelines before completing their preliminary or detailed project application.
Terms of Reference: Grazing Crops
Further information
If you have questions about these terms of reference, contact:
Joe Gebbels
Mobile +61 448 273 214
P: +61 (7) 3620 5265 M: +61 429 881 137
Currently, the Producer Investment Call is flexible, with MLA only calling for projects as funding becomes available and for specific high priority investment areas.
How the Call aligns with MLA’s Strategic Plan
Under MLA’s Strategic Plan, one of our guiding principles is to direct resources into fewer, higher-impact programs of work that will deliver the best outcomes for industry (fewer, bigger, bolder).
Based on this principle, longer-term, collaborative, multi-disciplinary projects have recently been developed to tackle some of industry’s key priorities, such as lamb survival, calf survival and associated reproductive performance (as identified through the producer consultation process). These projects are longer-term programs of work and are expected to run through the 2023–24 year and beyond.
As we deliver on the Strategic Plan, all parts of MLA are continuing to change the way we plan and deliver our work, with a goal of achieving the greatest impact for levy-payers – and the research, development and adoption programs that are critical to the success of the strategy.
The last Producer Investment Call process was reflective of this shift in strategic approach – with a focus on longer-term, three-to-five year, collaborative and multi-disciplinary programs of work. These larger-scale, longer-term projects are now underway and utilise a significant portion of the research funding for 2023–24. As such, there will not be an open call for new R&D projects in the 2023-24 year.
More information:
Georgie Townsend
Program Manager – Consultation
P: +61 436 607 166