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North Australia Beef Research Council (NABRC)

MLA strongly encourages grassfed beef producers across northern Australia to connect with their Regional Beef Research Committee (RBRC) to contribute to the future direction of levy-payer funded research, development and adoption (RD&A) for their area.

The North Australian Beef Research Council (NABRC) provides leadership and advice to organisations who either invest in, or undertake beef cattle RD&A in Queensland, the Northern Territory and the Pilbara and Kimberley regions of Western Australia. NABRC is an independent organisation made up of producer representatives, research organisations, education providers, and State farming organisations.

The council is underpinned by eleven regional committees chaired by producers who represent their regions at NABRC meetings. The regional committees provide grass roots input to NABRC and are at the heart of its continuing success. Regional committees are made up of producers and local RD&A personnel from a wide range of organisations.

To get involved in NABRC or learn more about activates in your area, contact your regional representative by clicking on the chart above (TBA).