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Building a sustainable food future

Meat & Livestock Australia Limited (MLA) is a recognised leader in delivering world-class research, development and marketing to drive profitability, sustainability and global competitiveness for the Australian cattle, sheep and goat industry. Internationally MLA focuses on improving access to international markets and promoting Australia as a responsible, reliable and safe supplier of trusted red meat.

Australia exports red meat and livestock to more than 100 countries, representing over 60% of the industry's production. Our high quality product and powerful country of origin reputation are key differentials in international markets, helping to meet the global consumer demand for safety, quality, integrity and traceability.

With global consumption of red meat expected to remain strong, as developing middle classes seek more protein in their diet, the opportunities are significant. However, key to realising these opportunities is ensuring that red meat meets changing consumer needs and global trends.

Emerging consumer trends and behaviours are impacting on the role of red meat in diets around the world. Addressing these trends is vital to building a sustainable future and ensuring the relevancy of red meat. They also present opportunities to capture value with new supply chain partnerships.

Consumer insight research has identified five key themes where innovative products, services and technologies could capture significant opportunities.  

More information
Contact the MLA Insights2Innovation team at