How we deliver
MLA delivers marketing, research and development on behalf of cattle, sheep and goat levy payers through five business units and two subsidiary companies.
Corporate Services
Chief Operating Officer: Andrew Ferguson (Acting Managing Director)
Roles and responsibilities: The Corporate Services team provides operational support services across the spectrum of MLA activities and operations.
Key responsibilities include:
- human resources
- financial planning and forecasting
- accounting and reporting
- evaluation
- legal, governance and risk
- information and communications systems
- office services.
MLA Donor Company (MDC)
Roles and responsibilities: A wholly-owned subsidiary of MLA, MDC accelerates innovation across the value chain so the Australian red meat and livestock industry can remain competitive on the world stage.
It does this by attracting commercial investment from individual enterprises and others that share a mutual interest and matching these with Australian Government funding (up to 40% of project value) to invest in innovation that will benefit the industry.
Integrity Systems Company
Chief Executive Officer: Jo Quigley
Roles and responsibilities: A wholly-owned subsidiary of MLA, the Integrity Systems Company (ISC) is responsible for delivering the red meat and livestock industry’s traceability and quality assurance systems: the Livestock Production Assurance (LPA) program, National Vendor Declarations (NVDs) and the National Livestock Identification System (NLIS).
These systems and on-farm practices reinforce the reputation of quality Australian red meat product and instil confidence in our trading partners and consumers.
The Integrity Systems Company is also responsible for driving MLA’s Digital Value Chain Strategy to seamlessly capture, integrate and interpret the vast and increasing range of data being generated through new technology across the value chain.
International Markets
General Manager: Andrew Cox
Roles and responsibilities: The International Markets team is responsible for favourably positioning Australian red meat in global markets by promoting its superior product integrity and positive image through the True Aussie brand.
The International Markets team works in two key areas:
- improving and defending market access by supporting trade liberalisation and removing technical trade barriers
- growing demand for Australian red meat through delivering business development and brand building activities.
Communications & Adoption
General Manager: Dr Jane Weatherley (Acting General Manager, Research & Development)
Roles and responsibilities: The Communications and Adoption team at MLA works to effectively translate research into action.
Its communications arm ensures that MLA's marketing, research, development and adoption products and services are known and accessible to levy payers and stakeholders. It also seeks to build confidence in the industry, ensuring the community supports and increasingly trusts the Australian red meat and livestock industry.
The team’s adoption arm delivers and promotes the productivity messages and findings from MLA’s research and development investments to red meat producers. It aims to improve productivity in livestock farming businesses by engaging producers in large scale awareness events, capability building and practice change projects that lead to productivity outcomes as a result of the adoption of R&D.
Research & Development
General Manager: [VACANT]
Roles and responsibilities: The Research & Development team is responsible for a range of on-farm and off-farm projects - including animal health, digital agriculture, feedlotting and more. Their projects are created to improve current systems, and work with new technologies to provide gains in production and profitability across the supply chain.
This team collaborates with several other service providers and organisations to create better value from our investments and better results for industry.
Marketing and Insights
General Manager: Nathan Low
Roles and responsibilities:The Marketing and Insights team delivers world-class data and insights and marketing strategies for the Australian red meat industry, both domestically and around the globe.
It provides data and insights to decision makers across the red meat supply chain about the purchasing, eating and cooking habits of shoppers and consumers, as well as domestic and global food trends. This work underpins MLA’s strategic and seasonal marketing campaigns in the domestic market.