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MLA 2030 current strategic planning process

A significant part of MLA’s work involves looking ahead to ensure the red meat and livestock industry is in a strong position to deal with strategic challenges and opportunities. 

To achieve this, MLA operates under a five-year Strategic Plan. The Strategic Plan is aligned to a broader red meat industry plan – Red Meat 2030

The current Strategic Plan ends in 2025, so MLA is in the process of developing a new five-year plan for 2025–2030.  

This involves extensive feedback and consultation across the industry to hear directly from stakeholders – including producers, peak industry bodies and the Australian Government – on a range of topics.  

These topics focus on strategies to propel the industry forward to a profitable and sustainable future, such as:   

  • key opportunities and risks in the next five years
  • research, development, adoption and marketing priorities for MLA to focus on, to put the industry in the best possible position 
  • services which are fundamental to the success of the industry 
  • recent and anticipated changes impacting the industry.  

Have your say 

MLA will continue to work with all levy payers and members to collect feedback through an online forum – so keep an eye on this web page and email communications from MLA in early 2025 to learn how you can have your say.