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MLA member voting entitlements

All MLA members are entitled to at least one vote at the AGM.

Securing full voting entitlements

The Levy Payer Register will be used calculate voting entitlements, based on the transactions that have occurred during the period 1 July 2023 – 30 June 2024, as notified to MLA by the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry.

Members need to confirm their Australian Business Number (ABN) or contact details as declared on their Levy Return Form. This will enable MLA to correctly match the levies you have paid on the Levy Payer Register to your MLA membership so members receive their full voting entitlement.

Voting by proxy

MLA members who can't attend the AGM can still vote by proxy or attorney. To vote by proxy, follow the instructions on the Voting entitlement and proxy form that is included in the AGM pack.

The formal AGM pack is posted to all members in October, this includes formal AGM papers and a proxy form. This proxy form indicated the resolutions to be voted on at the AGM and the number of votes the member has.

If you don't know anyone attending the meeting, you can nominate the chairman to vote as your proxy. The Voting entitlement and proxy form can also be lodged online.

Calculating member votes

As a general rule, producers receive one vote for every dollar paid in transaction levies to MLA up to $33,685. For producers paying more than this in transaction levies the rate per vote decreases on a sliding scale.


John Smith from Orange, NSW sold 100 steers and 500 prime lambs during 2023-24.

  • Livestock sold = 100 steers @ $5.00 a head levy
    Total levies paid = $500
    Levies paid to MLA = $458
    Voting entitlement = 458 votes
  • Livestock sold = 500 prime lambs @ $70 a head 2 % levy a head
    Total levies paid = $700
    Levies paid to MLA = $591.50
    Voting entitlement = 592 votes

If John were to take up his full voting entitlement, he would secure 1,050 votes at the AGM (based on a simplified calculation of voting entitlements).

All MLA members automatically receive ONE vote for any MLA ballots.

You can increase your voting entitlements, by ensuring you have advised MLA of your ABN so we can correctly match the levies you have paid on the Levy Payer Register to your MLA membership. Voting entitlements are calculated on a sliding scale based on levies paid to MLA.

External review of voting process

MLA engaged the independent auditor Ernst & Young to conduct certain procedures with respect to the internal controls around the levies handling and voting entitlement calculation processes for the 2006, 2009, 2012, 2015, 2018 and 2022 annual general meetings.

Ernst & Young assessed the internal controls around mailing, collection and recording of levies notices and the entitlement calculation, together with the internal audit procedures conducted by MLA and its member registry, Computershare. No exceptions were identified from the procedures conducted.