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Industry is represented by: Goat Industry Council of Australia

Name of the levy: Goats transaction levy

Who collects the levy: Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry (DAFF) - Levies

How we consult on where your levy is invested

MLA works closely with the Goat Industry Council of Australia (GICA) and the Goat Industry Research, Development and Adoption Committee (GIRDAC) to establish producer priorities, manage research, development and adoption projects and to engage goat producers in project outcomes. Together MLA and GICA host a series of goat webinars to engage industry and seek feedback on project investments.

MLA also takes investment direction from the Goat Industry Strategic Plan developed by the Goat Industry Council of Australia (GICA). As the industry’s national peak body, GICA has carriage of this plan and it is designed to address the challenges and opportunities the industry faces as well as the investment priorities outlined in RedMeat 2030. RedMeat 2030 was developed by the Red Meat Advisory Council and provides the overarching strategy for the red meat industry of Australia.

Investment breakdown

Goat Projected Investment

Industry priority


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MLA Donor Company

MLA also invests in the goat industry via the MLA Donor Company.

The MLA Donor Company (MDC) is a subsidiary company of MLA and invests in research, development, and adoption (RD&A) to accelerate innovation across the value chain so the Australian red meat and livestock industry can remain globally competitive.

It attracts commercial investment from individual enterprises and other companies that share a mutual interest to coinvest in innovation that will benefit the Australian red meat industry.

The Australian Government matches voluntary partner contributions (up to 40% of project value) through MDC, where eligible projects deliver outcomes that address broader industry and/or government priorities and benefit the entire industry.

More information on the MLA Donor Company