Animal health and welfare
R&D is critical for both on-farm productivity and meeting community animal welfare expectations.
The R&D program is largely funded by producer levies, with matched funding from the Federal Government. Levies are also collected by the processing, lotfeeding and live export sectors, for investment in projects that support the red meat supply chain beyond the farm gate. Non-levy R&D funding is provided by industry partners through the MLA Donor Company.
In 2018–19 MLA invested $170.3 million in a range of research, development and adoption programs. This included $94.2 million invested through MLA Donor Company (MDC).
R&D is critical for both on-farm productivity and meeting community animal welfare expectations.
New plant breeding technologies are being used to boost on-farm productivity.
Genetics R&D is producing significant economic benefits for seedstock and meat producers.
Investment has produced a suite of tools to help producers meet market specifications.
R&D is aimed at increasing on-farm productivity and long-term sustainability.
Animal production R&D aims to increase on-farm productivity and profitability.
R&D supports market access by enhancing product integrity and traceability.
Create innovative red meat products that satisfy consumer demand in domestic and international markets.
Aims to improve the health and welfare of livestock and the productivity and integrity of the Australian red meat industry.
MLA invests in digital agriculture R&D, focusing on whole-farm digital infrastructure technologies.