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BeefUp Forum | Esk: postponed date TBA

30 Mar 2021 | 08:30 AM
1 day
Producers free; Non-Producers $50 Includes: Morning and afternoon teas, Lunch, BBQ Dinner
This event has been postponed.
BeefUp Forums provide an opportunity for northern Australian beef producers to learn something new, stay up-to-date with the latest on-farm research and technologies and meet others working in the red meat industry.
Held predominantly throughout Queensland, NT and WA, these forums introduce producers to the outcomes of MLA research and development projects and the next steps to drive profitability and productivity on-farm.
At BeefUp Forums, producers can:
- hear about the latest red meat research, development and adoption programs with a whole-farm and value chain focus
- interact with expert speakers, including leading producers, advisors and researchers
- access tools and insights – tailored to the needs and interests of producers in the local area.
BeefUp Forums are an MLA initiative and are delivered by Barbara Bishop & Associates.
- Tim Huggins – Project Manager Grassfed Beef Productivity, MLA
- Margaret Jewell – Carbon Neutral 2030 (CN2030) Manager, MLA
- Melinee Leather – Barfield Station Banana, Sustainability Steering Group
- Ian McConnel – Director Beef Sustainability, Tyson Foods
- Karissa de Belle – Consultant Bush Agribusiness
- Ben Hayes – Professor/Centre Director for Animal Science, QAAFI, UQ
- Gavin Peck – Senior Pasture Agronomist, Department of Agriculture and Fisheries, Qld
- Anthony Young – Senior Lecturer School of Agriculture and Food Sciences, UQ
- Lee Fitzpatrick – Chair NB2 Management Committee
Somerset Civic Centre, 35 Esk Hampton Road, Esk
Register for event