Integrity and compliance: meat safety and traceability
Australia’s reputation for producing clean, safe and natural red meat products is a major factor underpinning our exporting success.
In order to ensure the quality and integrity of our beef, sheepmeat and goatmeat – and protect this valuable reputation – MLA and its subsidiary Integrity Systems Company (ISC) work in partnership with the wider red meat industry to implement a number of traceability and quality assurance programs for Australian red meat.
These programs are essential to ensure market access and continued demand for Australia's red meat products and include:
Supply chain position |
Safety program/initiative |
On-farm |
Feedlots |
Transporters |
Saleyards |
Processors |
Exporters |
Overall supply chain |
ISC Services

The Australian livestock industry’s on-farm assurance program.
Australia’s world-leading system for the identification and traceability of livestock.
National Vendor Declaration (NVD) and electronic National Vendor Declaration (eNVD)
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myFeedback is an industry-first single-source data program, which combines the benefits of carcase and eating quality data with animal disease and defect insights in one place, enabling more accurate benchmarking of carcase performance for all users.

Integrity Systems Company (ISC) is a subsidiary of MLA responsible for the delivery of Australia’s world-leading red meat integrity system, which ensures Australian red meat is safe to eat and fully traceable.

The safety, quality and integrity of Australian red meat is very importance to the red meat and livestock industry. Strict processes and procedures have been implemented to ensure the integrity of beef, lamb, sheepmeat and goatmeat for domestic and international consumers.

SAFEMEAT is dedicated to promoting Australia's best practice management systems that ensure when customers purchase red meat or livestock from Australia, they can be confident in the quality and safety of their choice.
Australia’s red meat livestock and processing industries are represented by SAFEMEAT.

MLA invests in food safety research and development (R&D) projects across the value chain to support market access for the Australian red meat industry by enhancing product integrity and traceability through research.