Trends, prices, opportunities
Get all the latest goatmeat data in the latest MLA Global Snapshot
Find the State of the industry report here
Get all the latest goatmeat data in the latest MLA Global Snapshot
Find the State of the industry report here
Goat Data Collation and Tracking
Find out more here
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This information package includes 12 free, downloadable modules that explain the essential processes for a successful goat production system. This applies to goat production as a standalone enterprise or as one that complements other production systems.
The guide draws on the knowledge, skills and experience of more than 40 goat producers from across Australia and provides tools and information to help goat producers increase productivity while minimising risk.
A guide to visual assessment of goats
Learn how to identify favourable and unfavourable traits that impact on productivity.
Goat diseases guide: The farmers’ guide
This illustrated manual describes a wide range of diseases and health information.
Goat Data Collation & Tracking Project
Keep up-to-date with the latest data
collation and tracking insights.
Looking after your animals
Breeding herd selection, husbandry, nutrition and parasites.
ParaBoss unites and manages WormBoss,
FlyBoss and LiceBoss.
Kids+ project
Find out more about MLA’s largest goat research
investment to date.
Cost of supplement calculator
Determine relative cost of various supplements
to achieve target weights in Rangeland goats.
Tools and calculators
Get the support you need to make decisions
Setting up your goat property – video, factsheets, training
Infrastructure tips including fencing and yard design
as well as producer interviews.
Producer obligations – traceability, biosecurity, welfare
Advice on reducing risk of worms and lice, safe transportation and completing animal transfer docs.
Crunching the numbers
Market options and estimating the cost and returns of your investment.